Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cars, cars, and more cars

Who knew car shopping could be so difficult!! I had a car, and a nice one.  A 2007 Volkswagon Jetta 2.5 4 cylinder engine.  NICE CAR and I loved it!! but stupid Ken Garff took it back!!! I know... its not really their fault that the contract was not funded, but it was still way annoying.  It was almost as if they gave it to me to drive it for 2 weeks, and make me fall in love with the car, and the snatch it back with no warning! ugh.  Now that I don't have car, I realize how nice it was to have one while I did.  How much more convient it was.  Its like the saying, "You don't know what you have until its gone" (SO TRUE!).  So a thanks to Ken Garff for the car while I had it.  I am going car shopping today, and hope to find a car I can keep!! wish me luck!!!

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