Friday, October 22, 2010

Sitting... calling...calling some more...

Sitting in my chair at work.... looking at the Nestle's Crunch bar sitting next to me... wanting to eat it... but knowing its not good for my "diet" right now.  (That is, the diet I am trying to start.)  Neck hurts from sitting in this stupid chair, and my eyes are becoming blurry over and over again trying to adjust my eyes on the computer screen.  An hour and 15 minutes more of storesonline.... then off to Mcdonalds to host a birthday party! not sure about the age of the kid, but still kind of nervous, considering that it is my first birthday party I have been assigned to host.  Ohh well....  but 14 kids!!!??? probably ranging from ages 5-8.... babysitting years all over again.  Don't get me wrong, I love kids, but 14 at once?? wish me luck.

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