Friday, October 22, 2010

The start of a blog.

So... I dont really ever blog...nor have I ever tried... but.... WHY NOT TRY SOMETHING NEW! life is all about trying new things, and blogging should be one of the many things you try! so I am.  Whether it will work out or not is a mystery, but might as well give it a try! just a little backround, my name is Brittany, I work three jobs, McDonalds, Arbys, and stores online, therefore I am Busy!! But I still have time to enjoy life and hang out with friends after work:) which is nice:) well, there is a little peice of my life, take it as you will!
More later,

1 comment:

  1. haha I thought peice was spelled piece! haha. and yes you are busy busy busy. How do I know that? well you mentioned it on your blog (I like your blog) and we barely have anytime to just have fun with each other anymore. I miss you cousin! Hope we can hang out soon.
    - Shelbster :D
